
Grafting 25.08.2018

Grading is one of the oldest and most important techniques in cultivating the land and a basic knowledge for self sustainable living.

To have the freedom to choose the right rootstock for the specific needs of the landscape as well as the right variety of fruit for the climate and personal taste is crucial to set up an orchard which provides you with tasty fruit all year round.

Learning the common ways of Summer-grafting on to commercially available rootstock we also look into grafting on already existing wild growing trees which have the great advantage to already be established and less likely to be destroyed by deer or other bark eating animals

Seminar Details: (Lecturer Gregor Mahringer)

10:00 – 12:30 Introduction to Permaculture (Lecturer Volkmar Geiblinger / Nicole Caran) Basic information on Grafting (Lecturer Gregor Mahringer)

13:30 – 17:00 Practical Training Rootstock and Grafting branches will be provided .

You can also bring branches for grafting from your favorite tree ( Apple/Pear) to graft on rootstock we provide.


€ 60 – Coffee / tea and homemade cake are included in the seminar price. Children under 12 free. Up to 18 years 1/2 price


Lunch fee of € 14 / per day (on request vegetarian / vegan or other dietary requirements) Email: mail@hendlberghof.at All ingredients are beautifully produced organically, healthy, in season and locally cooked by Nicole (trained 5 star chef)

part owner of Hendlberg Hof (you will not go hungry!)

To Bring:

A great willingness to learn!

Austria  at 800 metre altitude can still be cold ! For this reason we ask that you bring appropriate clothing for being outdoors…


Working gloves
Sturdy working boots and clothes
Rain jacket
anything else that makes you feel comfortable 🙂


Minimum number of parEcipants: 8 people / maximum number of participants: 15 people Please note: The event will take place in any weather

Cancellation terms:

We understand that things happen and cancellations occur, however please keep in mind the cost of organising and planning courses. For this reason;

100% returned of the seminar fee to 14 days before the seminar
50% returned of the seminar fee from 7 days before the seminar
If due to unforseen circumstance the organizers need to cancel the seminar all monies paid will be returned in full

Safety and Liability:

This is a practical seminar therefore there is risk of injury when working with tools and the terrain. We ask that you take care at all times!

In this respect, you the participant take full liability for yourself and no liability from the organisers is given. There will be a first aid kit onsite

Extra Charges:

Any other charges (remihances from abroad) by the participant


Participation is fixed only upon receipt of both the course payment and submission of the contact form!

Bank details:
IBAN: AT49 3430 0000 0083 7906           BIC: RZOOAT2L300

Please remember to put your name in the field so we know who has paid!


Any queries please do not hesitate to contact us. We hope to see you soon and look forward to hosting you!

Hendlberg Hof
Klamm 53, A-3053 Brand Laaben www.hendlberghof.at mail.hendlberghof.at